
You know, when you think about it, there’s actually quite a bit that makes Morton Ranch Dental a different experience than you might get with another dentist. From the fact that we practice preventative dentistry that helps to keep your teeth in tip-top shape to our competitive prices, we strive to be the best dental clinic in all of Texas.

In today’s blog, we’ll look at a few of the other things that make our dentist different than the rest. Trust us when we say that they’re all things you’ll be thankful for when you schedule an appointment.

Haven’t been to the dentist in awhile? Click here to schedule a visit!

Think You Know What to Expect When You Visit the Dentist? Think Again

When you think about going to see the dentist, you probably imagine smooth jazz and an uncomfortable experience. At Morton Ranch Dental, you get the exact opposite (unless, of course, we’re in the mood for a little Kenny G., but that doesn’t happen all that often).

Watch Some TV

If you’re taking time off to make a trip to your local dentist, the last thing you’d expect is being able to turn on a television, but at Morton Ranch Dental, you get a 48” TV at your feet and a blanket in your chair. We said we want you to be comfortable, and darn it, we’re serious about that! What’s more comfortable than watching some cartoons and wrapping yourself in a blanket?

Top Notch Dentist Jokes

Yup–we’re full of ‘em. If you thought jokes about tooth extraction and gum disease didn’t exist, think again. Not that we’ll just assault your ears with jokes, but we’re pretty sure you will have a smile on your face. Need a sneak preview? Okay, just for you.

“What does the dentist of the year get?”

“A little plaque.”

A Focus on Comfort

What’s one of the worst things about seeing the dentist? Their hands always seem about three times too big for your mouth. The whole time you’re there you’re thinking, “we’re working with a limited amount of space here, friend!” Then the corners of your mouth start to hurt. It’s just a mess.

At Morton Ranch Dental, our dentist is known for his gentle touch and his focus on keeping you as pain-free as possible no matter what the procedure is.

Schedule a Visit To the Dentist’s Office Today

If you’d like to go to a dentist who actually cares about your wellbeing and isn’t just in it to make some dough, look no further. When you visit Morton Ranch Dental, you’ll see the same dentist every time you come in. No corporation owns us and we’re committed to putting your needs first.

Did you know that going to the dentist in one of the top fears of the average person in the United States? At Morton Ranch Dental, we aim to completely change your perception of what a visit to the dentist should be like. Give us a chance and we won’t let you down!

And remember, be nice to your dentist. We have fillings too.

Ready to see a different kind of dentist? Click here to give us a call now to schedule your appointment.